Dear Lilah,

This has been such an amazing month. We have loved watching you learn, grow, and discover everything around you. You have started walking independently and everywhere, you take laps around the house all day long. You learned to give high fives and blow kissses. You point and touch mommy's finger when I point at you. You can bounce when told, catch and throw ball, you know all done and more in baby sign language. You LOVE to be tickled!!! You love to go up and down stairs! You can get off the couch by yourself, and you try to climb up the couch but still need a boost. You read books all day long! You love your baby doll and give kisses to baby doll. You also love to give baby (you) kisses in mirror and you give kisses when asked (but you can be stingy with those wet kisses). You started stacking rings and taking rings off! You get so excited when you accomplish new things! You started screaming at top of your lungs and started throwing tantrums (mostly when getting diaper/clothes changed). We also got you a straw sippy cup and you like to drink out of that versus the regular sippy cup. We are trying to get you to eat more food! All you eat is blueberries! You have 4 teeth. You are 16lbs 15oz (10%) 27.25in (3%) and your melon is 17.75in (50%). We had your birthday party the Saturday before your birthday in Champaign with most of our family! You got so many fun toys and clothes! You are so loved by everyone around you!! You are so funny, amazing, and easy-going! I love being your mommy and I cannot believe a whole year has past since you came into this world and we became parents!
Love you,
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