*This was written from memory and may not be exactly what he said- but the points are similar and I wrote this for me so I can try and be a positive parent in the future!
Here are his lecture notes:
Q: What is “Mental Health”?
A: The Ability to Adapt to Change- Resilience
Q: What is your “job” as a parent? Prevent bad things from happening? Make sure
he/she behaves?
A: Provide a “safe place” (love, security, structure,
consistency, instruction, etc.) for your child to grow
A: Help your child bounce back from life-knocks… not
prevent them from happening (Resilience)
See “Raising Resilient Children” by Robert
Q: Do you possess a mindset that fosters resilience in
your children?
A: Resilience Mindset Quiz
Q: How much power or influence do you have on your
child’s choices or behaviors?
A: A lot… but not
total- get over yourself- you don’t have that much power over your child’s
A: Good parents have kids who make bad choices- Bad
parents have kids who make good choices
Thoughts: fear your child will make big mistakes in life, you will speak to
your child out of that fear; fear your child will not achieve in life, you will
speak to your child out of that fear…
a. What
are your greatest fears for your children? It is our fears that form our
thoughts- that form our words
b. Without
information, we make up stories in our head- mostly negative
c. It
is not the event itself that freaks me out- it is the story I make up in my
head that freaks me out
d. What
Parents Think- Misguided Assumptions and Problem Beliefs::
1. Ruination: if parents give too much
freedom, the child will make mistakes or
misbehave in ways which will ruin their future lives
2. Perfectionism: children should
instinctively know how to behave properly all the time without any parental
intervention, and it is terrible upsetting if they do not always behave perfectly
3. Obedience: children should always do
what their parents say without questioning their parent’s judgment
4. Self-blame: parents are at fault for
child’s mistakes or misbehavior
5. Malicious Intent: children misbehave on
purpose to hurt their parents
6. Approval: it is terribly upsetting if
children do not approve of parent’s rules, regulations, and decisions
e. What
Children Think- Misguided Assumptions and Problem Beliefs:
1. Ruination: if parents put too many
restrictions on children, this will ruin the child’s life
2. Fairness: parent’s rules are terribly
unfair and unjust
3. Autonomy: child should have as much
freedom as they desire
4. Approval: it is catastrophic for child if
parents do not approve of the child’s actions
Words: Do you want to be RIGHT or in RELATIONSHIP with your child?
a. Words
that foster insecurity and conflict (words that often invite a fight or just
feel “bad” on the receiving end):
1. No- The average toddler hears the word
"no" an astonishing 400 times a day, according to experts. That's not
only tiresome for you but it can also be harmful to your child: According to
studies, kids who hear "no" too much have poorer language skills than
children whose parents offer more positive feedback. "Plus, saying no can
become ineffective when it's overused — a little like crying wolf," says
Claire Lerner, director of parenting resources at Zero to Three, a nonprofit
that studies infants and toddlers. Some kids simply start to ignore the word;
others slip into a red-faced rage the minute that dreaded syllable crosses your
Alternatives: “food is for eating, not
flinging”; “I know you like ice cream, but too much ice cream is not good for
us”; "Yes, you can have candy after dinner. Let's go look for an apple for
2. Why did you do that… Why can’t you… “Why”
defense and lies- Encourages deception or sneakiness
3. You should be nice…
“should” breeds shame and guilt
4. You have to…
Actually… no, I don’t…
5. I need you to…
Again, no I don’t-and no, you don’t
Feels manipulative- and leaves the child with no
personal choice to do it
6. Too many words (lecture)… again – close
to nagging
Nagging breeds resentfulness, defensiveness
Makes child feel inadequate, criticized,
personally attacked
b. Words
that foster resilience and relationship:
1. I’m sorry-
reflects a relationship – because rules without relationship are meaningless
2. Noticing
the good- unexpectedly
3. Understanding
before being understood
4. Mottos
rather than lectures:
say it in 10 words or less- or you are reducing
listening next time- say the same thing over again- hearing by repetition
“You is Kind. You is Smart. You is Important.”
3. Positive & Meaningful Touch:
a. A
study from the 1960s by pioneering psychologist Sidney Jourard, who studied the
conversations of friends in different parts of the world as they sat in a café
together. He observed these conversations for the same amount of time in each
of the different countries. What did he find? In England, the two friends
touched each other zero times. In the United States, in bursts of enthusiasm,
we touched each other twice. But in France, the number shot up to 110 times per
hour. And in Puerto Rico, those friends touched each other 180 times!
b. The
Touch Research Institute is dedicated to studying the effects of touch therapy.
The TRIs have researched the effects of massage therapy at all stages of life,
from newborns to senior citizens. In these studies the TRIs have shown that
touch therapy has many positive effects. For example, massage therapy:
Facilitates weight gain in preterm infants
Enhances attentiveness
Alleviates depressive symptoms
Reduces pain
Reduces stress hormones
Improves immune function
Touch influences truth: Coin in phone
We also know that touch builds up cooperative
relationships—it reinforces reciprocity between our primate relatives, who use
grooming to build up cooperative alliances. There are studies showing that
touch signals safety and trust, it soothes. Basic warm touch calms
cardiovascular stress. It activates the body’s vagus nerve, which is intimately
involved with our compassionate response
e. Virginia
Satir, a respected family therapist, has said "(w)e need four hugs a day
for survival. We need eight hugs for
maintenance. We need twelves hugs a day
for growth." And, research in a Korea orphanage demonstrated a significant
boost in the health and growth of infant orphans who received an extra 15
minutes a day of physical touching. There is a magic in hugging. This simple form of affection boosts a young
child's mental and physical development.
Hugging aids in the development of life skills.
Sadly, research shows that female infants
receive almost five times as much hugging and touching as males. And the Univ. of Pittsburgh reports that when
it comes to soothing, holding or playing, American children receive
significantly less contact than those of other cultures. As our children grow older we tend to forget
the importance of hugging. Yet, it may
be as vital for teenagers to be hugged and affirmed as it is for young
g. Meaningful
Touch… Especially from Dad – which does not have to be marathon hug-a-thons –
it can be brief and simple touch:
1. in the August issue of Social Psychology of
Education, French psychologist Nicolas Guéguen instructed the professor of a
120-person statistics class to give the same verbal encouragement to any
student who volunteered to solve a problem at the front of his classroom. But
to a randomly selected group of students within the class, the professor also
gave a slight tap on the upper arm when speaking to them. Guéguen compared the
volunteer rate of those who were touched to those who were not, and found that
students who were touched were significantly more likely to volunteer again. In
fact, roughly 28 percent of those who were touched volunteered again, compared
with about nine percent of those who were not. Drawing on previous research in
the field, Guéguen speculates that a touch to the arm may have infused
participants with a feeling of self-confidence that motivated their positive
behavior. “It is possible that touching, coming from a high-status person, is
perceived as a sign of distinction,” he writes. “The effect would have been to
overcome the inhibition of correcting the exercise in front of his/her

4. Positive Rewards:
a. Is
it the parent’s job to make sure the child learns? NO- learning happens whether with or without
parents- so lighten up…
b. Parent’s
job is to provide the safety, security, opportunity, stability, and permission
to experience learning and growth-
providing the Ingredients of learning & growth: GRACE-TRUTH-TIME
c. How
do we learn? By hearing a lecture? By being led? By role-modeling? By
1. We learn by Living
2. Like mice in a maze… we are shaped by rewards –
based on “Premack Principle”
3. Use B-Mod Plan- in some form- ALWAYS-
Positive more than negative/ rewards more than
Immediate rewards more than delayed
Frequent rewards more than sparse
Unexpected rewards included
Rewards that are meaningful to the child- not
the parent
Tangible rewards work better- poker chips
Simple list of targeted behaviors
Menu of rewards to cash in for
Removes arguments, lectures, nagging
Resembles adult life- job and paycheck for work
4. Resistance
to behavioral modification plan:
Isn’t it “bribing” my child?
Shouldn’t they learn to do things because it’s
right or they should?
We tried it- but it didn’t work
(see FamilySafeMedia.com, see “Your
Defiant Child” by Russell Barkley)
Time: “Rules Without Relationship is
Meaningless” & “LOVE = TIME”
a. Create
an environment of safety and relationship
1. Being genuine & congruent
2. Unconditional love and acceptance- even if not
approving of all behavior
3. Empathic understanding- warm understanding of
child’s world
Provide “Special
Play Time”
1. 20 minutes per day from each parent
2. No lectures- no teaching- no disciplining- no
instilling of values- no judgments- no requirements
3. Enter the child’s world- play what the child
plays- let the child direct the time
4. Notice the behaviors- comment positively only
c. “Be With” Attitudes: Your intent in your actions, presence, and
your responses are most important and should convey to your child: “I am here—I hear/see you—I understand—I
Positive Feedback
(from the world) Builds Resilience:
a. I
become who I am told- “Pygmalion Effect”
The "Pygmalion Phenomenon" is the
self-fulfilling prophecy embedded in teachers' expectations. Simply put, when
teachers expect students to do well and show intellectual growth, they do; when
teachers do not have such expectation performance and growth are not as
encouraged and may in fact be discouraged in a number of ways. Research
suggests that our expectations strongly influence the performance of those
around us from the members of our football team to the students in our classes.
b. Resilience
comes from knowing and experiencing my gifts or strengths- I get positive
strokes from that
c. Unfortunately,
the world does not always give the positive feedback to children that helps
them grow in competence and resilience-
it is the job of parents to find the “Islands of Competence” for the child –
make a way for him/her to live there… often