Wow. I've slacked off recently. We have been very busy!
We almost have the nursery completed... still a few things to do but the BIG stuff is done! I still have a few projects to complete as well.
For Christmas we decided to stay in our new house! My family came up the Friday before Christmas until Christmas eve to celebrate with us! It was so nice having them up here! My dad also did some projects around the house for me! We got a new garage door opener so now I can park in our garage!! He made a space in our kitchen for a dishwasher, and the new dishwasher should be installed next week!!! He also installed blinds for us in the nursery :) Zach and I celebrated Christmas day just the two of us and it was awesome! Our first and last Christmas just the two of us! Zach's family is coming up tomorrow to celebrate Christmas for the weekend. Its been a great Christmas!

We also had another Christmas "present"! We got to see our little girl today via ultrasound! She was sleeping so she was a little uncooperative. All of her measurements were great! She weighs 3lbs 15oz so that puts her in the 32% percentile for size. She also has a full head of hair (explains the awful heartburn)! She is breech at this point. The doctor said 20% of babies are breech at 32w. We will be getting another ultrasound at 36w to see if she has flipped on her own. 4% of babies are breech at 36w. If she is still breech, the doctor will try to manually turn her (which works 1/2 of the time) otherwise there is a great possibility of a c-section. Praying she turns on her own!! My blood pressure and weight are still great and on track! The doctor also spent a lot of time with me talking about labor and the process... I feel so much better and prepared... well as much as possible lol. We did finish our baby classes (breastfeeding and labor and delivery). I think they helped. I am also reading Baby Wise and Babyproofing Your Marriage! I am trying to be as prepared as possible yet very flexible. Its hard not knowing what to expect! I cannot wait though! She is going to be amazing and worth every pain and discomfort I've had and will go through!