We are about one week from closing on our house and 3 weeks from moving! We haven't packed a single item yet. It doesn't feel real yet. And Zach just got back from a 2 week long work trip. He also leaves for 4weeks one week after we move into the house. I'm not looking forward to that at all.
Monday I will be 18 weeks pregnant! 2 more weeks until we find out the gender of our little one :) Pregnancy has been pretty wonderful so far! Lately the nausea has been pretty bad. Dr gave me zofran to help. It has been a miracle drug :) gotta keep food down for the baby! This week I started feeling the baby move/kick/flutter or whatever you wanna call it! It's a very weird sensation but wonderful at the same time :) I can't wait until Zach can feel the baby kick! I just hope it's before he leaves for work.