A lot has happened since my last post. We have moved into our new house! My dad and brother came up the weekend we moved and helped us paint, rip up carpet, and drywall along with many other odd and end things! My mother was able to come up this past weekend and helped me unpack, clean, and make the house feel more like a home. Its such an overwhelming task to undertake. I am so grateful for all the help.
I have my 24 week appointment next week! Baby girl is 1.5lbs this week and is 8.5in long, crown to rump! She is moving a lot and its starting to get uncomfortable. She will get in positions that cause very sharp pains. I also can see my tummy move when she kicks! My shirts are starting to get too short to wear and maternity shirts are still pretty baggy. I guess I kind of have to accept this awkward in-between stage until I get larger! I gave in a bought a maternity winter coat! My regular winter coat already doesn't zip! My NorthFace still fits, but its not warm enough! Although this week as been very warm! High of 78* today!
I still have to paint and decorate the nursery! I have a crib and a rug! That's about it. I know I have time, but at the same time I feel like I have no time! 16.5 weeks left! I've heard the first 20 weeks fly and the latter 20 weeks drag, but so far I feel like the second half has gone by much quicker than the first! I'm sure the last month drags on in anticipation! I also need to sign up for baby classes!! My list never seems to get shorter!
In other news, my friend got engaged (I put that in my last post) and she is getting married Jan 12! I am so excited! She also asked me to be a bridesmaid! That should keep me occupied through the next couple of months! We ordered our dresses and luckily they are one size fits all (0-14) so I'm thinking I should fit when I'm 8-9 months pregnant!
Until next time :)
23 Weeks |